This week something incredible happened. Call it the Hundredth Monkey Effect or whatever you want, but many of us in the freedom community have been saying the only way out is a parallel society. There is no fixing the old paradigm — we have to create a new one. New healthcare, new education, and a new court system.
Thanks, Jeff, for sharing this crucial information and for explaining it in the clearest way possible. I, too, am hearing this for the umpteenth time and am getting closer to acting upon it. The creation of a parallel society is the hope for our future and where we need to focus our energies.
Very good info Jeff! …As a side comment…Speaking of your friend Gunnar and St. Judes, the reason there are all these ‘childhood cancers’ is these kids have been vaxx damaged from the horrendous amount of vaxxes they have to get before 5 to go to the fabulous public school system. Cancer, whether it is child or adult, is Big Business for Pharma & The Industrial Medical Healthcare Complex.
PS: My cousin was a lead cancer researcher at St. Jude for over 30 years. He passed away from a heart attack at 73 in 2019 before the Covid madness.
Hi Jeff -- could you post your stopping chemo article here? Keep getting a "There has been a critical error on this website" on the flipping the script website.
This is making me sick. I am in total agreement. I am not a doctor, but I have watched too many people I have loved die not from the cancer but from the chemo. great information here as well! Thank you
I have a link. I have been listening for some years on this topic now. A couple people on different sources have spoken on this. I would like to share a link and hopefully Jeff will chime in if this is the process that works. We are learning together. I was about to take the plunge some time ago. I uploaded this source on my Bitchute account: and it's about the 10th upload down, "Deanna Spingola - Roger Sayles - How and why claim American National status - 02-06-21" -- I always list my sources and my notes. This sounds like the way, but If Jeff would chime in I'd like to hear ♥
I got to hear enough of the Roger Sayles piece to know that he is accurate. I prefer to work with folks that have done it and learn from them and pay them, but there are a million ways to do this anywhere from doing it yourself to working with folks and learning with a community.
Fare enough. I'm going to give it a go. I've been sitting on my hands, but time to move into action and put into practice what we learn. Thank you for your thoughts!
I wonder why so many people don't speak truth. And I also found a couple people on youtube that hint on this subject. One in particular whom gives a general discussion with a source interview, but then you cannot hear the details unless you subscribe and pay for a subscription where the interviewee gives his information. And during this sell-out-fake-pandemic all I see is "buy my merch" and everyone looking for a way to make money instead of a way to free ourselves.
I do think the process involves some actual legal paperwork to be filed with the right source and for that reason it requires working with a lawyer, (not an attorney) and so some money needs to be paid. Also there is so much to learn that a subscription might be a good way to learn. I know I paid $4500 to learn the process.
Thanks, Jeff, for sharing this crucial information and for explaining it in the clearest way possible. I, too, am hearing this for the umpteenth time and am getting closer to acting upon it. The creation of a parallel society is the hope for our future and where we need to focus our energies.
Very good info Jeff! …As a side comment…Speaking of your friend Gunnar and St. Judes, the reason there are all these ‘childhood cancers’ is these kids have been vaxx damaged from the horrendous amount of vaxxes they have to get before 5 to go to the fabulous public school system. Cancer, whether it is child or adult, is Big Business for Pharma & The Industrial Medical Healthcare Complex.
PS: My cousin was a lead cancer researcher at St. Jude for over 30 years. He passed away from a heart attack at 73 in 2019 before the Covid madness.
Nailed it again Jeff
Jeff, here is the second one I've done. Hopefully this will help more people be able to learn from you.
Hi Jeff -- could you post your stopping chemo article here? Keep getting a "There has been a critical error on this website" on the flipping the script website.
Sorry the formatting is so crappy here, but hopefully the website will be up soon.
Stopping Chemo
Let me start by saying that stopping chemo in the middle of a long
term protocol is a big
decision and not to be done lightly. Once you go down this path, there are no “experts” or
anyone to hold your hand and tell you some fairy tale
that there is a guaranteed 94% success
rate. The decision requires the wherewithal on your part to do the legwork of any number of
things including detoxification, IV nutrients, super clean nutrition, cleaning up your
environment, cannabis oil and testing
as well as finding a new medical team
. If you are willing
to do this, then stopping long term chemo not only makes sense, but
actually the best chance
for survival let alone saving your child from organ failure, relapse or death.
So here is how the p
rocess works. Once your child is in remission, which often happens in the
first 45 days for leukemia and lymphoma, you
r child has
now in the eyes of Chi
ld Protective
Services and the S
tate crossed over into being in “no imminent danger.” Imminent danger
defined as having active cancer in the bone marrow or in the peripheral blood.
At this point
Child Protective Services can be educated and shown that long term chemo is just a theory and
not medical science. In fact, science does not favor long term c
hemo, but rather supports
strengthening the immune system and detoxifying the body. The only rationale doctors use for
long term chemo is that cancer is a genetic disease and the DNA needs to be altered through
chemo. The flaws in this theory are legion
but suffice it to say that it has been proven again and
again that cancer is a metabolic or environmental disease and not genetic.
Child Protective Services are open to whatever is best for your child. You just have to show
them that you have another pla
n in place, one that is better than chemo. This will require a
new medical team. You are looking for a Functional Medicine Doctor or Integrative
Doctor or a
Naturopath. As you approach them THE WORDING IS EVERYTHING. You are asking them to
monitor your
child’s health who is IN REMISSION from cancer. (Not, “Can you please treat my
child who has cancer.” A
that would be false, and B
they would say that their hands are tied
legally and cannot do it.) Monitoring your child’s health includes, but not
limited to: Testing
the body to see what it needs and how continued natural treatment is healing the body. Doing
blood tests. IV Nutrients including Vitamin C. Detoxifying the body. Repairing the gut.
Next, you will want to find an attorney to back yo
u up. Family Law, Civil Rights or Cannabis
Attorneys have been the most willing to represent parents. The attorney is necessary in case
doctors lie to CPS and come up with a reason to keep your child. The attorney can get you
before a judge within 24 ho
urs to prevent the hospital from taking your child
Once the new medical team and the attorney are in place, you are ready to make the phone call
to your pediatric oncologist and say that you are transferring care and that their services will no
be needed. They will threaten you at this point and say they are calling CPS. You can tell
them that is fine. At which point CPS will either call or show up at your door. You can then
welcome them in and explain the truth about childhood cancer and lon
g term chemo protocols.
Within anywhere from a week to a month, once CPS has verified your new health team, you can
expect a call saying that you are free to treat your child as you see fit.
So to recap:
1. Get an attorney and new health team in place.
2. Call your hospital and oncologist and tell them you will be transferring care.
3. Educate CPS on the facts about childhood cancer.
Here are some more arguments if you need them (and you may for both attorney and
Legal Argument Against
Long Term C
The horrendous crime happening to children in America is forced long term (2
4 years)
chemotherapy for blood cancers even after children are in remission.
For the blood cancers
Lymphoma and Leukemia, chemotherapy has been effecti
ve in sending these children into
remission within 45 days.
Then comes the mandate:
Children must undergo 2
4 more years of
chemotherapy so the cancer “doesn’t come back.”
Their rationale is that they have an 80
success rate and that qualifies them
to mandate the treatment.
The fallacy in the argument is multiple:
*1st of all chemotherapy does not kill cancer stem cells, so all it kills are some outlying cancer
cells while destroying the body. The way to kill cancer stem cells is with
detoxification and
nutrition. There is a test called the RGCC test, which identifies exactly what natural substances
kill the patient’s cancer. The FDA and doctors do not perform this test because it would expose
the unscientific nature of their protocol
*The so called “success rate” is a 5
year survival rate, meaning they are 80
90% effective at
getting children to 5 more years of life,
(this with life altering horrendous side effects.) Getting
a patient just 5 more years to live is unacceptable as c
ancer is not a life threatening out of
control disease. It is a symptom of the body being out of balance and fully treatable. The goal
is not 5 years; it is 100 years without harmful side effects.
*The mandated chemo protocols are the only thing being t
ested by the FDA for childhood
leukemia, lymphoma, and most cancers. Nothing else is tested . . . only chemo.
How can you
mandate something that hasn’t been tested against anything else, especially when we know it
works for adults?
*Adults who do have fre
edom are having lots of success with natural treatments, but the FDA
prefers not to test them to keep the chemo monopoly.
*Children who are nearly killed with chemo and then discharged are having massive success
with cannabis, nutrition and detox strategi
es. There are hundreds of studies, especially
recently in Israel, showing the ability of cannabis to kill cancer.
*The prevailing theory of cancer labels it a genetic disease when in fact it is environmental or
med/3372452). The only justification for chemo
is to affect the genes or temporarily drive down white blood cell counts. There is no science to
defend long term chemo . . . it is a hope and a wish that cancer will be prevented from coming
back. But sinc
e cancer is metabolic or environmental, chemo only serves to weaken the body’s
immune system and cause secondary cancers.
*Hospitals love to say that they have a 90% success rate (St. Jude’s even says 94%) at beating
leukemia and lymphoma with long term
chemo. Upon further review, not only is this only for
keeping a child alive for 5 years, there is no documented evidence of this supposed “90%
success rate.” There has never been an independent audit. Does 90% include all those who
relapsed down the ro
ad from cancer causing chemo? The numbers are clearly manipulated as
anyone who sees the actual results can attest.
*Doctors love to say that everything they do has been rigorously tested which couldn’t be
further from the truth. In fact, everything the
y do has been bought and paid for by
pharmaceutical companies and doctors are now starting to blow the whistle and demand
. If the system has been corrupted and we can prove it, then it would
be ludicrous to entrust doctors with the final judgment on what can be done with our
This is making me sick. I am in total agreement. I am not a doctor, but I have watched too many people I have loved die not from the cancer but from the chemo. great information here as well! Thank you
Thank you Red. We are adding some added beef to the site. It should be available this week.
And.. I just ordered that book. Going to read it ASAP.
I have a link. I have been listening for some years on this topic now. A couple people on different sources have spoken on this. I would like to share a link and hopefully Jeff will chime in if this is the process that works. We are learning together. I was about to take the plunge some time ago. I uploaded this source on my Bitchute account: and it's about the 10th upload down, "Deanna Spingola - Roger Sayles - How and why claim American National status - 02-06-21" -- I always list my sources and my notes. This sounds like the way, but If Jeff would chime in I'd like to hear ♥
Great, I will check it out and reply.
Here are my notes:
If you send your email, I'll add you to "shared allowed"
Thank you!
I got to hear enough of the Roger Sayles piece to know that he is accurate. I prefer to work with folks that have done it and learn from them and pay them, but there are a million ways to do this anywhere from doing it yourself to working with folks and learning with a community.
Fare enough. I'm going to give it a go. I've been sitting on my hands, but time to move into action and put into practice what we learn. Thank you for your thoughts!
This is amazing Jeff, I’ve been seeking this info. Dr Barre Paul Lando has eluded to this process in his life, but divulged few details.
I wonder why so many people don't speak truth. And I also found a couple people on youtube that hint on this subject. One in particular whom gives a general discussion with a source interview, but then you cannot hear the details unless you subscribe and pay for a subscription where the interviewee gives his information. And during this sell-out-fake-pandemic all I see is "buy my merch" and everyone looking for a way to make money instead of a way to free ourselves.
I do think the process involves some actual legal paperwork to be filed with the right source and for that reason it requires working with a lawyer, (not an attorney) and so some money needs to be paid. Also there is so much to learn that a subscription might be a good way to learn. I know I paid $4500 to learn the process.
I agree, there is so much to learn. I think it involves "Affidavits", and "Notarization". I've heard this in different sources.