One of the responses I get from folks who find out they’ve been duped by the US Corporation, unwittingly being roped into a contract that takes away ALL their rights, is overwhelm. And this is a perfectly normal response. The remedy is not really that hard . . . change our status to become Nationals or State Citizens rather than Federal Citizens. But the fear of stepping out of the matrix in such a way that we are completely responsible for ourselves with no Mommy or Daddy to hold onto . . . well . . . it’s a lot. So we have to sneak up on it, don’t we?
And it reminds me that when we make the paradigm shift, we really need an overarching concept or belief that pulls us through. Otherwise it’s simple physics — there is just not enough impetus to move. It also seems like maybe it’s way too much work for very little reward. So, “What’s my motivation?” as actor’s frequently ask their directors.
It’s to get our soul back.
At first this may seem like some ham-handed spiritual re-direct that doesn’t relate. And who could even imagine that the purpose of all media, all allopathic healthcare, all courtrooms, all governments…just about everything on this earth is to separate you from your soul? But all we need to do is look at the birth process. What do they do the first thing you come out? They get a sole (soul) imprint from the baby’s foot. Then they get the mother to sign the child’s life away to become a legal fiction so they can be sold on the bond market for their future productivity (with the birth certificate.) If that isn’t theft, what is?
By creating a slave system where mankind is dependent on the government, we never have to integrate with our spiritual roots. And don’t look to the church for any help . . . having no real power other than to preach dependency, they work hand in hand with the matrix to ensure that you don’t connect with that deeper part of your soul that is connected to God. Trust in “Jesus” to do everything. Don’t do anything unless it says so “in the Word of God.” It has all become so convoluted that nobody can even recognize the spiritual bypassing going on. Then you have an either or situation where you either check your soul connection at the door of the church or you abstain from spiritual connection because, “those guys are all crazy and brain dead in the church.”
Now don’t get me wrong; I’m not disrespecting churches who don’t know any better. Just like I don’t disrespect my parents for not knowing any better. But if anything, the great ascension we are going through can impact EVERY aspect of our lives. Nobody gets to keep their old 3D ways of life, unless they want to struggle even more.
Given the nature of how difficult this paradigm shift is, I think the following maxims will serve us best: Go gentle. Build a little something every day. Keep the focus on getting your soul back.
There are some incredible developments going on right now that I’d like to highlight illustrating just how rapidly things are changing. These are the kinds of things, in my opinion, that can give us all the courage to keep going with the personal work.
*The California Supreme Court upheld an appeals court ruling that school districts cannot create their own vaccine mandates. The original suit was brought on by Sharon McKeeman and Let Them Breathe who have been relentless in their pressure on the schools. Biotech analyst Karen Kingston then took it a step further when she wrote in her substack article that this ruling now sets up the possibility that these criminal school board members may now be sentenced to life in prison or the death penalty (under 18 USC 242 and 18 USC 175)!
*Karen also shared on an episode with Stew Peters that her testimony before the Collier County Florida Commissioner Chris Hall resulted in both the acknowledgement that the Covid vaccine was indeed a bioweapon and the halting of $1.4 million in NIH funding to the CDC. Again, precedents are being set that open the door to prosecution.
*San Diego Community College planned termination of non-vaxxed faculty members has been removed from the Board agenda, thanks to efforts of many including Re-Open San Diego’s Amy Reichert!
*Woody Harrelson fired a bombshell during the opening monologue of Saturday Night Live. He likened the lockdown by Pharma bought media and government to a really bad script. “Nobody would ever believe that!?!” Talk about subverting the Deep State from the inside!!!
*Paralegal Katherine Watt unveiled some Legal Demand Notices for us all to use with Health Care Providers and Health Insurance Companies. These are phenomenal as hospitals have become a combination kill center and toxic judge, jury, and executioner. Countless folks have lamented their lack of rights to simply not wear a mask, let alone be able to decline the testing and clotshot. Now anyone can present this to the hospital intake clerk to establish their legal rights. I realize that a person who has not changed their status has no rights, and would be dependent on a BAR attorney and the fraudulent court system to bail them out . . . BUT what it does do is send FEAR into the hands of the hospital administration letting them know that the other shoe is going to drop . . . it’s just a matter of when.
Amazing week, no? And it would be easy to just bury our heads in the sand for a few years and let all the other leaders bring this world back to its senses. But then we would just be vulnerable to another psychopath who wants to play on our fears so they can make us dependent on their control. The only true solution is to get our soul back.
Now the question becomes: What does getting our soul back even look like?
Another way to look at it is to view the soul as the authentic self. When we were born we were fully connected to ourselves, God and the universe. But then we got caught up in our parents unconscious issues, we got abused, we started pleasing rather than being loyal to ourselves to get what we needed. All this was a distraction from our soul connection or authentic selves. So the process of soul retrieval starts with going back and feeling how we felt when we were abandoned, cajoled, abused to make our providers happy so they would keep us alive. Then after feeling it we can start to take our power back by abandoning those compensation techniques we used to survive and reconnect with our real selves and connection to everything.
Once we’ve gone through the process with our family of origin, we can do it with everybody else . . . government, church, healthcare, schools, anybody. The process is all the same. If we have the goal of getting our soul back, then the work is just part of the bigger picture we are already doing. We don’t have to rush — if it’s urgent, it’s not important, if it’s important it’s not urgent. The cure is available at any moment. Instead of a burden, the responsibility becomes a freedom from dependency on anyone trying to control us. The future is bright indeed. All of us helping each other to connect, providing us with all we need.
Thank you so much for this's really the nicest and most positive set of words I have had the pleasure to read in the last few years. Bless you. And yes, I have been on the journey to reconnect with my soul. It was never really gone; it had only taken a back seat in my life. No more.
I like and and they can answer your question about dual citizenship. Basically you are just taking your rights back and establishing ownership over your fictional identity. Your social security number is still intact. You don't lose that or renounce it. You are changing your relationship to government, the IRS and everyone you do business with to adhere to the constitution and not the admiralty law fiction.